
  商品編號: 26262
  商品名稱: Video2Brain Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Learn By Video 影片編輯軟體教學 英文版
  語系版本: 繁體中文
  運行平台: Windows
  更新日期: 2019-01-02
  光碟片數: 1片
  銷售價格: $200元
Video2Brain Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Learn By Video 影片編輯軟體教學 英文版

HoneRiSO Apps 
軟體名稱: Video2Brain Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Learn By Video 
語系版本: 英文版 
光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD) 
保護種類: 無保護 
破解說明: 無 
系統支援: 適用所有支援播放 MP4(MPEG-4) 影片的作業系統 
硬體需求: 適用所有支援播放 MP4(MPEG-4) 影片的作業系統 
軟體類型: 影片編輯軟體教學 
更新日期: 2012.08.02 
軟體發行: Video2Brain(L.Z0) 
官方網站: http://www.video2brain.com/en/premiere-pro-learn-by-video 
中文網站: 無 
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準) 
由 Video2Brain  公司推出的教學,Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Learn By Video 影 
- 主講人是 Maxim Jago 
- 教學時間約 14 個小時又 55 分 
01.01 What Is Adobe Premiere Pro? 
01.02 What You Will Learn and How to Use the Project Files 
01.03 Whats New in Premiere Pro CS6 
01.04 Video Editing Workflows 
01.05 An Overview of the Interface 
01.06 Why Premiere Pro Is the PostProduction Hub 
01.07 Workspaces 
01.08 Important General Preferences 
01.09 Personal Preferences 
02.01 General Project Settings 
02.02 Scratch Disk Settings 
02.03 Using Sequence Presets 
02.04 Sequence Settings 
02.05 Video Preview Settings 
02.06 Sequence Track Settings 
03.01 Importing Media Files and Images 
03.02 Importing Media from FileBased Cameras 
03.03 Capturing a Whole Tape or Selected Shots 
03.04 Batch Capturing 
03.05 Importing Projects from Final Cut Pro and Avid 
03.06 Clips and Media Files 
04.01 Introducing the Project Panel 
04.02 Finding Assets in the Project Panel 
04.03 Attaching a Script or Transcript 
04.04 Speech Analysis 
04.05 Interpreting Footage 
04.06 Configuring Clip Audio Channels 
05.01 The Monitor Controls 
05.02 Selecting Part of a Clip 
05.03 Adjusting Playback Resolution 
05.04 Using Subclips 
05.05 Introducing the Timeline Panel 
05.06 Adding Clips to a Sequence 
05.07 ThreePoint and FourPoint Edits 
05.08 Storyboard Editing 
05.09 Targeting Tracks 
06.01 Track Controls 
06.02 Selecting, Linking, and Unlinking Clips 
06.03 Rearranging Clips in a Sequence 
06.04 Using the Clipboard 
06.05 Lifting and Extracting 
06.06 Deleting and Ripple Deleting 
06.07 Working with Markers 
07.01 Applying a Transition Between Two Clips 
07.02 Understanding Rendering and the Work Area 
07.03 Changing Transition Settings 
07.04 Creating an Audio Crossfade 
08.01 Changing the Playback Speed of Clips 
08.02 Adjusting Playback Speed over Time 
08.03 Replacing Clips on the Timeline 
08.04 Replacing Footage for Clips in the Bin 
08.05 Nesting a Sequence 
08.06 Creating Nested Sequences in the Bin and on the Timeline 
08.07 Trimming in the Source Monitor 
08.08 Trimming on the Timeline 
08.09 Timeline Trimming Tools 
08.10 Trimming Keyboard Shortcuts 
08.11 Split Edits: Making J and L Cuts 
08.12 JKL Trimming 
08.13 The Timeline Tools 
08.14 The Trim Monitor 
09.01 Fixed Effects for Video and Audio Clips 
09.02 Animating with Fixed Effects 
09.03 Creating Effect Presets 
10.01 Preparing for a Multicamera Edit 
10.02 Performing a Multicamera Edit 
10.03 Adjusting Multicamera Edits 
11.01 The Audio Workspace 
11.02 Audio Track Types 
11.03 Normalizing Audio in the Bin and on the Timeline 
11.04 Keyframing Volume Changes in the Timeline 
11.05 Overview of the Audio Mixer 
11.06 Understanding Latch/Touch/Write Automation Modes 
11.07 Using Parametric EQ 
11.08 Applying Audio Effects to Tracks with the Audio Mixer 
11.09 Adjusting Audio Level in the Effect Controls Panel 
12.01 Introducing the Effects 
12.02 Adding Effects, Changing Settings, and Removing Effects 
12.03 Working with Adjustment Layers 
12.04 Using Keyframes in the Effect Controls Panel 
12.05 The Warp Stabilizer and Rolling Shutter Correction 
12.06 Burning in Timecode 
12.07 Basic 3D 
12.08 Blurs 
13.01 Using the Color Correction Workspace 
13.02 Vectorscopes and Waveforms 
13.03 The Fast Color Corrector 
13.04 The Three Way Color Corrector 
13.05 Secondary Color Correction 
13.06 Curves 
14.01 Using Blend Modes 
14.02 Using the Ultra Key Effect 
14.03 Using the Lumakey Effect 
14.04 Introducing Garbage Mattes 
14.05 Using the Track Matte Key Effect 
15.01 Introducing the Title Tool 
15.02 Working with Text 
15.03 Creating Shapes and Managing Layers 
15.04 Working with Title Templates 
16.01 Getting Organized 
16.02 Using the Project Manager 
17.01 Preparing a Project for Tape Output 
17.02 Recording to a DV or HDV Tape 
17.03 Exporting Your Sequence to a File 
17.04 Producing Multiple File Types with Adobe Media Encoder 
17.05 Sharing with Apple Final Cut Pro and Avid Media Composer 
17.06 Exporting Frames 
17.07 Outputting to Disc 
18.01 Create a New Project, Make a Sequence, and Import Media 
18.02 Pick Some Shots and Add Them to Your Sequence 
18.03 Add a Simple Title, Some Fades, and Music 
18.04 Send the Sequence to Adobe Encore 
18.05 Create a Simple, MenuDriven Bluray with Adobe Encore 
19.01 Closing Thoughts on This Course